Category Archives: Keto cheat day
Day 281: Update on progress, 39 pounds off
Total weight loss: 39 pounds
In case you think I have fallen off the keto wagon, I have not. I have simply been overwhelmed by life and far too busy to blog. There is no chance for me to catch up on my daily progress, but here’s a recap:
When last I blogged, it was on the cusp of my son’s wedding. I blogged just before the celebratory dinners began. For the week or so before/after the wedding, I had cheat meals galore. In fact, I was off the plan.
The next week (the end of August), I started afresh. Before going off the keto plan, I had lost 38 pounds. I weighed myself before starting back on the plan, and was sad to see I had gained 4 pounds during my cheat fest. Sigh, back into the routine I went.
I stayed on the plan through September and October. Each week, I saw slow progress: 1.5 pounds down, .5 pounds up, 1 pounds down, .5 pounds up, etc. etc. No consistent loss or huge drops in my weight, but I did have at least one-two cheat meals or days a week (planned, and unplanned, depending on the week).
At my weigh in last Saturday, all the weight I gained in August was gone, plus one pound – total 5 pounds lost in September and 3 weeks of October. WHEW!
As an added bonus, I am in one size smaller in my work slacks. For some reason (the cut of the pants or whatever), I have not been able to get in a smaller size all these months. In jeans, I dropped a size long ago. Well, whatever the reason, the pants fit, so I must not quit. [bad pun, sorry]
There isn’t much to report from the past week. I have no new recipes or food ideas, and my meals have been somewhat boring, so I will begin my daily meal journal with tomorrow’s blog.
Oh, one thing I do have to report: I’ve had a stupendous amount of energy! From dawn til dusk, I’m going going going, and feel great! I guess a nearly 40-pound weight loss can relieve the body of a lot of stress. I know if I pick up something that weighs 40-50 pounds, I appreciate how heavy that is. I think it’s time to work more exercise into my routine. I feel very healthy now, and that will speed up weight loss and make me feel more energetic as well.
Goals – I’d like to get back to more inspirational meals. I’m going to spend this weekend investigating new ideas. I’m also thinking about recording my meals in again and getting more regimented in my intake. I have been estimating carbs based on the fact that I’ve been doing it so long. I’d like to see how much leeway I’ve been allowing myself by not recording every meal in a food calculator.
Day 177: The day after
Total weight loss: 31 1/2 pounds
Yesterday was the first official vacation day, not counting the fourth of July holiday.
It didn’t start well. I had about 4 hours of sleep after drinking more than I can remember having done in a long time. Before I fell back into bed, I ate carbs…a McDonald’s breakfast. There is something medicinal about eating lots of carb-laden, greasy food when I have a hangover. All-in-all, the drinking binge was a costly mistake in terms of my keto diet.
I didn’t do much but nap all day. I think I’m getting too old for a crazy night life.
Let’s just say I had an unplanned keto cheat day.
I hope today is a much better day.
Day 151: Weigh-in…nothing to report
Today’s weight loss: 0
Total weight loss: 29 1/2 pounds
While it’s disappointing to see no progress on the scale, I keep seeing the inches coming off. After some crazy carb consumption this week, including the sad state of affairs from last night that I am about to report, zero looks GOOD. At least it’s not in the plus column. I do hope to get past the 30 mark [again] next week, tho.
I started my usual day at work with yogurt, and ate 2 beddar cheddars for lunch. I left work early because we had tons of things to do, then a wine-tasting party to attend at 6.
I knew in advance that I would be drinking wine, and, each glass being 3-4 carbs minimum meant I was basically having a cheat night, and so I did. The eating wasn’t horribly off, although I did have guac and more tortilla chips than I normally would have. The big cheat was the wine. I had 3 gazillion glasses, then switched to rum and Diet Coke, then switched back to wine. In other words, I got smashed!
So, to see no upward movement on the scale after last night’s wine carb binge, plus the evening at Hayden’s, is a good thing. Today, I get back on track!
Day 61: Cheat day is overrated
Weight loss: 15 pounds; next weigh-in: Saturday, Mar 17th
Yesterday’s cheat day was nothing to brag about. I skipped breakfast after my awful weigh-in.
While I was showering, Rick dug out his old recipe for low-carb chocolate fudge. It’s made from heavy cream and cocoa, and tastes a bit like the chocolate mousse recipe. It was our go-to recipe when we lived in Maryland and Rick was on sugar-busters. He chilled it to prepare for a snack later in the evening.
After doing errands and paying bills, Rick and I headed to Mexican Fiesta about 2 pm. Rick doesn’t care for the restaurant, but it serves my favorite meal in my favorite way: cheese enchiladas with rice and cole slaw. They also have the best chips and salsa in town. I’ve been frequenting the place since the 1980’s, but now I only meet friends there once in a while. Rick doesn’t like the food or the service, and he thinks the cole slaw as a side item is ridiculous and completely off for a Mexican restaurant.
No matter. I love it.
Sooo, since Rick had a cold and couldn’t taste anything anyway, he made the ultimate sacrifice and took me to MF. He ordered tamales and liked them (miracle!). I ordered 2 cheese enchiladas with the aforementioned sides, but also ordered a deep-fried flour shell taco. I knew I wouldn’t be eating there again for at least another 2 months until next cheat day. I enjoyed the chips and salsa tremendously.
I left about 1/4 of my meal and some chips to take home.
At dinner time, I ate the leftovers, followed by a cream-filled donut someone left laying around.
It was movie night at the Palmerosa, and we ate some of Rick’s low-carb fudge for a snack.
It was an anti-climactic cheat day, as there were very few foods that I’ve been craving. I’ve been able to find a satisfactory keto-friendly substitute for just about everything I like to eat. I hope this serves its purpose and shocks my system back into weight loss.