Time for a B and A

I’m finally seeing some small results. It’s been 12 weeks since I first weighed in and I’ve lost 21 pounds (still not to my lowest weight after my first round of keto, but getting closer!
Left: Top weight before keto, Right: a month ago.
I’m back on the keto journey. I’ve been IF for a few weeks now: 16/8 and two meals a day. I have not gone over on carbs once in the 14 weeks since I started!
It’s all about planning. I meal prep on weekends, and I plan ahead and prepare when visiting friends. Plus, I’m steadily adding an exercise routine.
I have specific weight goal, just to stay keto for minimum one year – and I’m loving the energy, the clear mind, and the even moods. I also cut my bp meds in half cuz my bp went so low! Keto works!
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