Category Archives: quick meals

Day 31: You really can eat carryout on keto: meet the unwich

Lost: .5 pounds   Total weight loss: 13 pounds

Wow, this scale is moving slowly, but at least it’s in the right direction.

Yesterday began with the traditional eggs ala Rick breakfast.

Lunch was a new adventure. Brandon was going to Jimmy John’s. I completely disagree with Mr. John’s political leanings, and make it a habit to avoid his franchise. However, I was pretty hungry and my scruples lost the battle: I ordered an Unwich. Brandon recommended the Lulu, which is basically a club sandwich in a lettuce wrap. I must say, it was quite delicious. This picture isn’t of a Lulu, but it gives you an idea of the convenient lettuce wrapper.

I left work early to meet a web client at Panera Bread. You may be thinking that it was an odd choice for someone avoiding carbs, but they have wifi, and it’s a pretty good place to meet when discussing websites. I ordered a Diet Coke.

After escaping “Bread Heaven,” Rick and I went home to enjoy some chicken kabobs. While waiting for them to grill, I had a handful of habanero-flavored almonds. It was a satisfying end to a busy, yet satisfying day.


Day 30: Almond milk and cocoa don’t mix

Lost: .5  Total weight loss:  12.5 pounds

Well, I lost some of what I gained yesterday. Can’t wait for the scale to show more progress. Once I hit a 15 pound loss, I’m going to start weighing once a week. It would have to be more satisfying to see the progress in larger amounts vs. this yoyoing back and forth of a pound or 1/2 pound at a time.

Breakfast – Rick’s egg bowl

Lunch – Salad with blue cheese dressing

Snack – Haberno Almonds

Dinner – Once again, it was a busy day filled with my day job, plus items I needed to do for my web business. I was tired, cranky, hungry, and the larder was empty. Rick and I had planned to do a meal schedule and shop, but he was busy working on a client newsletter plus painting and installing doors at our rental house.

I fried two Hebrew National franks in coconut oil, then topped them with turkey chili no beans, onions, and grated cheese. It was a gooey mess of goodness, and satisfied my hunger.

Snack – Discovery! Almond milk and cocoa do not mix well. I had a not-so-lovely clump-filled glass of chocolate milk. The cocoa simply would not mix into the milk. However, it assuaged my need for a bedtime snack, and I hit the hay early.

Day 9: Surviving a 7-hour hospital ordeal and keeping keto

Weight loss:  1 pound     Total weight loss: 10 pounds

Yesterday was quite a trial. I slept late because I’m still feeling mighty poorly. I had to get my dad to the doctor by 11:30, and that was a very long trek due to hazardous roads. By the time I showered and got out the door, I didn’t have time for breakfast, so I grabbed a tall water and kept on moving.

Wait, wait, wait, by 1 pm, I knew I was going to be trying to get my dad admitted thru the hospital ER (we were sent by his regular physician with suspected bronchitis). My stomach was begging for some nourishment, but no time.

After I got him settled in an ER bed, my savior, Rick, ran out and got me a bacon cheeseburger with no bun. It did the trick…for a while.

6 pm and I was finally back at my keto-friendly kitchen. I wanted something FAST. I threw some butter in a pan, added a chopped up yellow summer squash and a slice of onion, then, when it was almost cooked, I threw in 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. I added some rewarmed cauliflower to the plate and it looked pretty impressive for a 5-minute meal.

I grabbed some Greek yogurt with peanut butter and called it a night.

Here’s hoping today is a little more “ordinary” and I can have some structured meal time.