Category Archives: Keto lifestyle

Face gains
Before and after keto – about a 50 pound difference since this photo from before I started last time to this one from last month. Lots of weight to lose, but I’m so happy I caught myself before gaining back all I lost on my first round of keto. Can’t wait to see where I am a year from now!

Week 32 = 55.5 pounds gone!
I had a huge lapse in blogging. I’m not sure what was happening in my life in mid-2015, but I failed to note progress, update the blog with new recipes, or blog in general.
I continued losing weight at a bit of a slower pace than in the beginning, which is no surprise. By week 32, however, I had successfully lost 55.5 pounds pretty effortlessly and eating well on the keto diet. I did absolutely no exercise apart from swimming in my backyard pool, but I definitely didn’t do so at an athlete’s pace. Keto rocks!!
Starting all over again, Day 1
The keto plan was the answer to my weight-loss prayers: I lost approximately 40 pounds in around 6 months. And then I started fooling around…
Well, maybe I’ll have a couple of pieces of toast. How bad could it be?
Boy, that pizza crust looks great. Maybe this one time, I’ll eat the entire piece of pizza, not just the toppings.
Hmm, maybe I’ll eat what I want at this party, then I’ll get back on track starting Monday.
I regained the weight – at least 35 of those pounds straggled back on. So, I started over, and stopped, and regained. And started over, and stopped, and regained.
And…in order to beat myself up a little more, let me remind myself that – not only did I regain all that weight – I also could have been LOSING another 40 (or more) during this same time span! An 80-pound weight loss puts me into “normal” sizes and a happy happy place.
What to do? Go back to the beginning.
Strict keto, journalizing, immerse myself in the topic. I started a keto recipe site last year; keep that up to date. Live, eat, and breath the keto lifestyle. No other choice. It worked before, and it will work again.
Breakfast – 2 scrambled eggs, one sausage patty, topped with 2 ounces grated cheddar.
Lunch – mixed greens, 2 ounces grated cheddar, topped with Wishbone Buffalo ranch dressing (2g carbs) and 14 almonds
Dinner – one small squash (cut to resemble fettucini) topped with Rick’s marinara sauce and cheddar cheese (we’re out of mozarella).
Snack – salt and vinegar pork rinds with 2 tbsp french onion chip dip.
Trouble in Keto-ville, but good news about cholesterol
My last post was a few months ago. Seems like yesterday. Here’s a rundown of the events (in terms of the keto diet and related issues).
Number one: gained weight back.
Sigh. I had lost nearly 40 pounds by late fall of 2012. I knew I’d NEVER stop eating on the keto plan. Well, I was wrong.
Slowly, over the course of a few months, I binged on carbs, went back on keto, binged on carbs, returned to the plan, binged on carbs…well, you get the idea.
I closed my eyes to the clothes that got a little more snug – as long as I could. I knew I had to weigh in, or risk gaining it all back through poor planning and avoidance issues.
So, instead of ignoring the problem, I actually WATCHED the scale indicator climb. And went back on, and went back off the keto plan.
Last month, I started getting dizzy spells. Great. I figured I yoyo-dieted my way into type 2 diabetes or worse. I am a doctor-avoider, but it was time; ten years with no check up is foolish. I have whatever I have, and I’d better well face it head on.
So, I found a primary care physician and went for an exam and blood tests. He discovered that I have extremely high blood pressure: 180 over 100. This was news to me. Last time I checked, it was 130 over 90. Well, that was quite a while ago.
I’m on meds, and the bp has gone down. I’m still getting dizzy, but I’m going to get an eye exam, since it only seems to happen at work after an hour or so on the computer. Home on weekends=fine. Or it could be stress. Whatever.
Here’s the good news for keto dieters.
I’m often told by “carb eaters” that keto is dangerous. “You eat foods with all that fat? Your cholesterol must be sky high!”
My bad cholesterol (LDL) was high; HOWEVER, my GOOD CHOLESTEROL (HDL) WAS SOOOOO HIGH, that the overall report is excellent! The doctor gave me his blessing to continue with the keto plan, suggests I incorporate walking and get back to it. I’m going for a complete physical in about a month. We’ll see if we can conquer this dizziness issue.
I also need to conquer this diet issue. I’ve had a relatively good week. Keto breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A few bad snacks, but mostly it’s been no/low carb eating every day. I CAN DO THIS!