Category Archives: eggs

Day 48: Sunday at home; steak dinner

Total weight loss: 14 pounds

Next weigh-in: Saturday, March 3rd

Yesterday morning was a quiet pleasant Sunday. I made myself three scrambled eggs with cheese and onion. I had some leftover bacon, so I warmed that up to go with the eggs. I usually eat while doing my NYT Sunday puzzle, but I wanted to catch up on Downton Abbey, so I watched the Christmas Special, instead.  I enjoyed the leisurely meal and entertainment.

We intended to go work on the rental house, but Rick started cleaning out the garage. This led to a couple of bins and boxes of my dad’s paperwork landing in my office. Since I have been looking for some of his documents, plus I didn’t want my office to get messy, I spent the afternoon and evening going through everything. I stopped for a quick almond snack around 3, but worked straight through until about 8:30.

Lucky for me, Rick took care of the cooking. When I finally came up for air, he had a grilled steak and portobello mushrooms waiting for me. Those big juicy mushrooms make up for my usual baked potato, or baked sweet potato, and I don’t miss either of those foods.

We watched the Oscars while we ate. The meal was delicious. I had a big glass of Silk unsweetened almond milk (zero net carbs) to go along with the meal.

Dessert was chocolate mousse. I think the result was my lowest daily carb count so far: only 6 net carbs!

Day 47: Keto-friendly Red Robin dinner

Weight loss to date: 14 lbs. Next weigh-in: Saturday, March 3rd

Big deadline looming at work, so I had to go in for a few hours. Rick and I took the time to go to the diner for breakfast, and I had 3 scrambled eggs with 6 pieces of bacon.

A few hours later, I ate a low-carb Kroger yogurt with some chili-lime almonds. It was a light meal, and I saved lots of carbs for dinner/movie night.

Rick and I sometimes do the Red Robin movie/dinner deal, so I looked up my keto-friendly possibilities. Red Robin is on top of things! They have an Iphone (and website) app that allows you to swap out meal ingredients and check the nutrition as you do so. It’s called the Red Robin Customizer. They also have lots of burger bun options, including a big lettuce bun. Smart marketing, Red Robin!

I installed the app and had some fun playing with options. I decided to get the guacamole bacon burger with a lettuce bun for 7 net carbs. I also saw that their wing appetizers were only 2 carbs, but decided not to get them when I got to the restaurant. The appetizer was 9.99, or I could choose a side salad in place of the fries that came with the burger – for free.

The burger and salad were both very good. The burger itself was really tasty. It was easy to eat on the lettuce bun–if a little too large for my tiny mouth. Near the end,  the guacamole started sliding around and misplacing the bun. I had to use a knife and fork to eat the last 1/4 of the burger.

The most difficult part of the meal was watching Rick eat his bottomless steak fries. I like those ALOT. Trying to be helpful, he moved the ketchup bottle in front of the plate, but I knew they were there. At the end of the meal, I took 1/3 of one steak fry and chewed it slowly. It was very good, and that got the craving out of my system.

I know I could probably binge and eat something like that now and then, but after yesterday’s zero weight loss, I’m not very tempted. That tiny taste kept me satisfied.

We went to see Safe House. It was a little too action-packed for my taste. I hate the “shakey-cam.” Dessert was at home: sf lime jello.

Day 27: The Superbowl snacks that never were

Lost: 0   Total weight loss: 13.5 pounds

The scale seems stuck; however, my clothes are looser, so I try not to let that bother me.

Yesterday, I planned to make some cool keto snacks for Superbowl Sunday, but the day got away from me. I ended up noshing all day after a thrown-together “leftovers” breakfast.

I was up by 9, but got busy doing things before breakfast. By noon, I was very hungry, but we only had one egg! I reheated the turkey Cincinnati chili from a couple nights ago, and spent more than 20 minutes trying to get a leftover piece of spaghetti squash to cook. While waiting, I peeled the eggs I made yesterday and created another dozen deviled eggs. I also slow cooked a pound of bacon that Brandon and Lindsey picked up for me at the Eastern Market Saturday.

The chili/spaghetti squash was to be the only meal of the day. Lunch was on the run, so to speak. I had work to do for clients, plus it was house cleaning day. In the midst of vacuuming, I was famished, so I had some almonds, 2 deviled eggs, and 2 pieces of the bacon.

Once the house was clean, my stepson George, wife Beccy, and granddaughter Danielle showed up for the big game. Rick made them little pizzas.

I did take some time to makes some FAILED mozzarella cheese sticks (string cheese, halved, battered in pork rinds and fried in olive oil). The original recipe called for a parmesan cheese crust, but I thought the pork rinds would make them more authentic. Turned out not to be true: they were gooey and clumped together when I pulled them out of the pan. To me, they tasted like melted cheese mixed with pork rinds, or, in other words, GAK. Rick and the others said they liked them. Not sure if they were just being polite.

I ate 2 more eggs, more almonds, and whipped us up some chocolate “mousse” from heavy cream and added strawberries. It was a hit! I had to make up a second batch.

Still well under my protein, and with some carbs to go, my last snack of the day was 2 pieces of bacon and a glass of almond milk. I need to set aside some time to plan this week’s meals, because grabbing food willy nilly isn’t fun. I’d also still like to try the snacks I planned to make, including some crispy cheese puffs and lime cheesecake.

I learned about a new vegetable while searching out Superbowl snacks: marrow. I plan to try frying up some low-carb marrow chips this week.

vegetable marrow
Cultivated in England, this green, oval summer squash can grow to the size of a watermelon. It’s closely related to the ZUCCHINI and can be cooked in any manner suitable for that vegetable. Because of its bland flavor, vegetable marrow (also called marrow squash ) is often stuffed with a meat mixture. It’s available in limited supplies in some specialty produce markets during the summer months. See also  SQUASH.

Day 20: A hungry day

Lost: 1 pound    Total weight loss: 13 pounds

The weight is steadily dropping, and I must remember to measure myself tomorrow. I’ve been reading that the weight loss may slow down, but that the inches could still keep dropping. If I don’t have a baseline, I won’t know how much I’ve lost. Of course, my clothes feel a bit looser, but it’d still be nice to see some actual numbers.

Monday was a long and hungry day. I was in meetings all morning at work and didn’t get a chance to warm up my breakfast. By 11 I was quite hungry, but I was fortunate to have taken 6 deviled eggs to work with me and I scarfed them down (3 eggs total).

Around 1 pm, I had time to warm up the leftover Cincinnati chili on spaghetti squash. I planned to eat a salad around 4, but didn’t get a chance, and ended up leaving work at 6:30 ravenously hungry.

It was trivia night, and I went straight from work to the bar. Once there, I ordered a big salad with grilled chicken, cheese and onions. I gave away my croutons and cherry tomatoes.

By 10 pm, I was home and hungry again. I had another small bowl of leftover Cincinnati chili and 2 squares of dark chocolate.

It was actually the first day that I was really hungry since I began the keto plan. I guess I need to start the day right with my egg and sausage breakfast and be sure to eat my entire lunch. Snacking on bits of food all day left me dissatisfied and wanting more.

Day 12: Too full for dinner

Weight loss:   0    Total weight loss: 9.5

I would normally be disappointed to see no progress on the weight loss, but this huge nearly 10 pound loss has kept me motivated. This is the first diet where I’ve see a big weight loss, so I’ll just keep biding my time and eating right and it’ll come.

Yesterday I almost goofed up. Rick and I went to a local diner for breakfast and since I love hollandaise sauce, I ordered the eggs benedict. Rick ordered the breakfast buffet. As soon as the waitress left, I decided I’d better check the carb content, but I was pretty sure I’d read online that the sauce was an okay keto diet choice.

Well, the LEAST amount of carbs I could find listed were 6.5. The most said 31 (perhaps with the muffin?). Anyway, thinking about it, I’d end up eating 2 runny eggs with sauce and no muffin, and I don’t even like Canadian bacon! Bad choice all around.

Rick caught the waitress on his trip to the buffet and cancelled my order. I hit the buffet and had 2 servings of scrambled eggs, 4 pieces of bacon and 2 pieces of sausage, all for a total of 4 carbs!

The exciting part of the meal was that I walked past biscuits and gravy, cakes, hashbrowns, and all sorts of high carb food items and didn’t even blink. I have never experienced any diet like this. I simply do not crave the bread, pasta, and sweets!

We spent the day putting a desk together and I had a late afternoon lunch of 2 cheeseburgers, topped with mustard, and a few BBQ pork rinds with spinach dip on the side.

By 9 pm, I just wasn’t hungry for dinner. I had a snack of natural peanut butter and 2 70% dark chocolate squares. I tried some almond milk (1 net carb) and added 2 drops of sweetener. I think I like it better than the coconut milk, but they are both a nice substitute  because I do miss drinking milk.


Day 10: I think I can do this forever

Today’s weight loss:  0     Total weight loss: 10 pounds

Yesterday was pretty haphazard in terms of structured eating, and my normal routine.

They’re keeping dad at the hospital, in fact may be taking him to a facility to stabilize him mentally before sending him home. I know we are all a little relieved, because the stress level in two households is pretty high.

I still have a respiratory ailment, so I didn’t go visit. I also didn’t feel like eating much, but I know I should keep up the calories and fat (who would ever expect THAT statement on a diet?). I had 2 eggs fried in coconut oil with a side of bacon for breakfast, and lots of water – which will help my diet AND my illness.

Still not hungry by late afternoon, and sorely needing a nap, I grabbed some BBQ pork rinds and used them to scoop up some spinach, artichoke, parmesan dip, then softly drifted off to sleep.

Waking refreshed (in the EVENING. lol), I was pretty famished. I think I had only consumed about 4 carbs so far. I’m trying to get more fiber, so I looked to find a good source. Avocado!

Back to my trusty Ipad …I found a recipe for avocado fries. It was simple and tasty. I think my avocado was a couple days too late to end up with crispy fries, but they were easy to eat with a fork. I combined with 2 Hebrew National dogs fried in coconut oil and an arugula salad with Caesar dressing. YUM.

I finished off the night with even more fiber by slicing up 1/2 cup of strawberries to add to my whipped heavy cream dessert. Rick agreed that it was delicious.



Day 8: Beginning week two

Weight loss: 2 pounds  Total: 9 pounds

Yesterday was pretty unremarkable, except that I finally tried BBQ pork rinds and greek yogurt. Both were pretty good.

I woke up feeling under the weather. We’ve been passing some kind of bug around the family. I wasn’t very hungry for lunch and I also didn’t feel like cooking anything. I made a few cheese chips, topped them with artichoke dip and called it a meal.

After sleeping most of the afternoon, I decided to make some deviled eggs. I used the typical family recipe I’ve always used – added a little mayo, mustard, and onions to the yolks – and they were yummy….and legal keto!

I made a nice boring arugula salad topped with Caesar dressing. Then mixed a tbsp of peanut butter into some Greek yogurt for a refreshing end to the somewhat sparse meal. I guess the biggest problem with eating keto while sick is trying to get enough calories and fat for the day.

I didn’t get a chance to try to use coconut oil in a dish. We’ll leave that for later today. Unfortunately, my dad has gotten whatever we all have, but at 88, I need to get him to the doctor pronto. Not sure how regimented this day will be. Let’s see if I can stick to the keto plan on the run.