Daily Archives: May 11, 2012
Day 122: Chicken shawarma pizza – a new favorite
Weight loss: 24.5 pounds
I woke up yesterday morning feeling awful. It actually started the night before. Just before going to bed, I found it difficult to breath. When I awoke in the morning, I felt like I had some type of bronchial asthma.
A few years ago, I had these symptoms and had to go to emergency. They gave me an IV, pumped me full of fluids, and that helped immediately. I didn’t go to work and drank lots and lots of water.
Around 11 a.m., I felt a little like getting out of bed, so I got up and went to work in my home office. We have several deadlines at work and I don’t want to get behind. I felt good enough to work, but didn’t have the energy to shower, dress, and go into the office.
I also had no appetite. I ateĀ a yogurt, but didn’t eat again until 5:30, when Rick picked up a chicken shawarma pizza for me. I then did the (formerly) unthinkable: I ate 3 pieces with the crust!
I have been learning that just maybe I am a little too regimented about the whole no-carb thing. I have been on this plan nearly 4 months, and I’ve only had 3 cheat meals, and never a whole cheat day. Brandon and Lindsey are much looser about eating a few carbs now and then, and they are losing weight like crazy. I think on a day when I felt like hell, I could eat three pizza crusts.
So, that was that. I was full, took a late nap, awoke to watch some TV in my easy chair and called it a day.